About Sanctity

Sanctity is a family run healing center many years in the making. We have taken an historic building, and created within it a refuge from the rigors of daily life. When you come into Sanctity, you will be greeted with a level of care and comfort that allows you to truly relax and fully experience the healing services that we offer. Whether you come to Sanctity for Rolfing or a crystal bed session, you will find a place of recuperation, specifically designed to facilitate deep healing and foster personal growth.
The idea of Sanctity came about in 2005. At the time, David was looking for a different office in which to practice Rolfing. One day, Kathleen received strong guidance to turn onto 1st street, though she didn’t know why. There she found a building for sale that seemed to fulfill what David was looking for in an office. Kathleen and David decided to purchase the building and, one massive remodel later, Sanctity was born.
Though we didn’t know it when we purchased Sanctity, our building is one of the oldest structures in Reno. The main section of the building was built in Virginia City, and moved to Reno by covered wagon. The addition was built in 1930, when the cellar was dug out and the vegetable shed built from the unearthed stones. The original coal-burning heater was so old that it was taken to a museum when we replaced it! We feel that the age of our building lends a solidness that serves as an ideal setting for our work.
For some time, David practiced Rolfing in Sanctity while renting out Sanctity’s other rooms. Then, in 2012, He and Kathleen took a trip to visit a healing center in Brazil.
During the trip, Kathleen was guided to buy a crystal bed as part of her own healing process. After setting up the bed in one of Sanctity’s rooms, we quickly realized that there was a strong need to share the bed’s healing capabilities with others.
Meanwhile, Kathleen and David’s son, Ossian, was graduating from University and spending the summer in California for an internship in the area of Peace Studies.
During a particularly powerful session on the crystal bed, Kathleen was told that Ossian should be somehow involved in this new healing work.
Ossian subsequently traveled to Brazil in the fall of 2012, where he himself was guided to purchase a crystal bed.
In 2013, we welcomed Teresa Aramini to Sanctity. Teresa is an exceptionally talented Reiki practitioner.
We feel that our coming together underneath one roof is meant to be. We are very grateful to be able to use each of our unique abilities and skills as a team, and to share together in the work that we love. We work at Sanctity with one aim in mind: to create the most transformative and healing experience for you as possible. If you are looking for a profound shift towards better health, or just a boost to get you out of a rut, we are confident that Sanctity has a role to play in your life. But, don’t take our word for it, give us a call today and see what Sanctity has to offer for you!